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Obligación de información según la legislación austriaca

Contact details: WOOfors Ltd.

Tulajdonos: Mag.(FH) Georg Rainer, PhD

Company address: Schärdingerstraße 6 | 4061 Pasching | Upper Austria | Austria

Phone: +43722951102




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The images and text published on these pages are protected by copyright. All trademarks used are, unless otherwise expressly stated, protected by trademark law. No liability is assumed for errors in the text or incorrect links. The respective providers are responsible for the content of external links. The contents of this website may not be used for commercial purposes, in particular they may not be modified, reproduced, transferred, distributed or made available to third parties.

Information according to ECG

Managing Director: Mag.(FH) Georg Rainer, PhD

Chamber or professional association: Upper Austrian Economic Chambers

Commercial register court: 4020 Linz

Commercial register number: 592660i

VAT identification number: ATU78831016